Mobile Tychy is a free, mobile city guide both for tourists, as well as its citizens who are looking for latest information about interesting places and events in the town.

It is an application consisting of six modules: place, event, news, communication, planner and a QR Code scanner. It enables to search for objects near the user, allows to download information about interesting hotels, restaurants, pubs, sport and cultural objects, along with their location. Furthermore, you can find cycling and walking routes around the most exciting places in Tychy. An important element of the application are the transport timetables with a search engine. All the events and places from the base can be saved in the module planner.

The biggest assets of the application are: constantly updated base of objects, events and news, off-line mode (the internet connection is only used to download the latest data and a wider range of the map), clear interface, which allows the user to get interesting information, so he would always know where to go and what to see.

The Treespot Tychy is:

•        A mobile website

•        An application for mobile devices (Android, iOS, Windows Phone)

download the application on an Android device

download the application for iOS, 

download the application for Windows Phone

•        the object and events base

•        interactive map interconnected with a GPS system.

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