Winter Stadium


General overview

  • For kids
  • Firms 3+

Winter Stadium in Tychy, offers the possibility of skating on an artificially frozen panes for almost a whole year. You can rent and sharpen skates. The complex has the snack-bar pub, where you can buy drinks and hot meals. The facility is equipped with an advanced monitoring system. This is where the league matches are played. Their dates, ticket prices and the results can be found on the web page of the GKS Tychy. 


Design: Marek Dziekoński, construction: Jerzy Manjura, 1972.

Construction in the years 1977–1978, implementation honored with the Award of the Minister of Construction in 1978.

The large cubature volume was a design and aesthetic challenge. The building was designed in the spirit of brutalist architecture, exposing the raw beauty of concrete and contrasting it with the large glass surfaces.

The huge truss of the roof structure was supported by equally huge reinforced concrete pylons. The architect, however, treated them in a sculptural manner - concrete structures are not flat monoliths, their shape is enriched by tripartite bends. Moreover, the designer covered the entire concrete surface with a rhythm of vertical scratches. It added lightness to the huge pylons. They were also counterbalanced by the large surfaces of glass panes that connected the pylons. The drawing of the glass panes created a deliberate rhythm.

The Tyskie ice rink is included in the list of brilliant implementations of brutalist architecture - but with its own outline, with a special mark, characteristic of its designer. Marek Dziekoński enriched the texture of concrete, he liked to form the formwork in a wavy rhythm - the result was a grooved surface, then deliberately roughened.

In 2008, the ice rink underwent a major renovation. The façades of the building were changed - the concrete pylons were refreshed, but the glazing, contrasting with them, was replaced with curtain walls. Archival photos remind us of the original beauty of this brutalist work of architecture.

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