It will thunder! Paintings by master Giorgione


About event

  • Event place: Pasaż Kultury Andromeda | pl. K.K. Baczyńskiego 2

One of the most mysterious artists in the history of art! Charade and science. Woman, beauty and transience. "Sleeping Venus" and the most famous representation of the storm.

Giorgione is one of the most mysterious figures in the history of Venetian art, not only because of the scarcity of "hard" facts about his life, but also because of the mystery surrounding his works. The authorship of those that have survived is constantly debated. Many of them have not yet been clarified. Almost every painting by the artist is an enigmatic favola (Italian fairy tale) or poesia - a performance inscrutable in its content. Diverse and often mutually exclusive interpretations of Giorgion's most famous works - "The Tempest" (Museum of the Academy of Venice) and "The Three Philosophers" (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna) could be collected in a huge volume.


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