Municipal Museum


General overview

  • Firms 3+
  • Firms 60+
The first location for the museum in 2004 was a historic drying house for brewing grains in the Duke’s Brewery at Katowicka Street 9. The whole industrial character of the building was preserved (ventilation shafts, raw concrete and bricks). Since 2012, the Museum has had its main seat at Wolności Square 1, in the former town hall building. Its collections are arranged in several substantive areas: History of the City, Photography, Art and Ethnology Departments, as well as in its new branch in the Sports Gallery of Tychy, located within the Municipal Stadium.  It organises temporary exhibitions in both branches and outdoor exhibitions within the City borders. It is involved in the publishing and education activity, organising talks, author’s lectures, seminars, meetings as well as walks familiarising the inhabitants of Tychy with the city history and its important objects. It organises museum lessons for children and teenagers, educational trips, field games, artistic workshops and contests. 

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