Literary Portraits: Małgorzata Lisińska


About event

  • Event place: Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna w Tychach – FIlia nr 3 | ul. S. Batorego 9

Małgorzata Lisińska writes fantasy and moral literature, sometimes flirting with poetic prose. In his works, he is guided by the belief that the reader should first of all be entertained. That is why her texts are full of unrefined humor and a large dose of eroticism. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Philology at the University of Silesia. Writing is her third great love, after her husband and daughter. He lives in Tychy, dividing his time between his family, dog, cat, work and his beloved keyboard. The author's achievements include: "The Art of Killing", "Lights in the Lake", "Spicy Italian", "I love you stronger" or the series "Tracker".

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